Wrestling is a sport that is meant to be done inside and during the colder months of the year, or so it used to be. A few local youth had the opportunity to break the stigma of where and when wrestling should take place when they wrestled outside and in the summer.
Five Lennox wrestlers made the journey down to Fremont, Nebraska to compete in Mayheim at the Midland. This tournament took place outside on the football field during the evening. The wrestlers had the chance to wrestle under the stadium lights as the evening went on into the night. The event had six mats rolled out onto the football field ready to go for wrestlers to compete. Each match consisted of three one minute rounds. During each match wrestlers tried their best to pin or out score their opponent for the win.
The five youth that participated in the tournament included Nate Haar, Sam Haar, Ramsey Williams, Jack Aasheim and Kelby Dickelman. Nate Haar received first in his bracket with a fall in the first match and a win in overtime in the second match. Sam Haar placed third, losing to the overall champion in overtime. Williams lost a close match but battled back with two pins in the other matches to earn second. Aasheim received first with a 7-4 decision in one of his matches and a pin in his other match for the day. Dickelman received second in his bracket losing both matches to the other person in his bracket.
The day was one of new experiences for some of the wrestlers, as a couple had not had the chance to wrestle outside before. During the tournament the members of the team gained valuable mat time and had the chance to compete against new competitors. Along with new experiences and added challenges in new competition the youth were thankful to have both Lennox High School coaches Crosby and Meekhof in attendance to help coach them throughout the day.
Each of the boys came away with something different from the tournament. Some might have come away with more experience and lessons learned, while others came away with a first place medal or both. Each experience was different and while the drive might have been long and the day hotter than expected, the wrestlers are sure to remember the experience for the rest of their lives.
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