During the Oct. 19 Worthing City Commission meeting, commissioners accepted the bid from Fred Dirkson and Ronald Berry of $15,102 for the Civic Center.
They had two bids. The other bid was from Cutter Dundee LLC for $5,711.
Possession of the building will be turned over Nov. 1. The city planned to pursue a storage facility and if none are available they will purchase a storage container for up to $3,000 to hold the items left in the building. Most of the items left inside are tables, chairs, flags, bingo equipment and memorabilia. Some of the items belong to the American Legion so they will have to remove them.
The board welcomed Jim Miles to fill the board seat vacated by Sheri Lund. Miles will fill the seat from October through April when an election will take place.
Scott DeWitt with planning and zoning noted they lost a member, Jim Miles, so Crystal Jacobson will take his spot on that board.
The commission approved the pay application and change order to wrap up the Chris Street project.
Finance officer Donna Van Hout said the malt beverage license transfer from KLN Properties (Blue Sky Junction) and Russ Olson (Russ’s Place) the commission approved a public hearing Oct. 1 has been denied by the state because he has a felony. They will hold another public hearing on the license in the coming weeks.
At both the Oct. 5 and Oct. 19 meetings, the commission discussed office security after one of the inmates that escaped from a Turner County deputy’s car last month turned himself in at City Hall. They discussed the possibility of the finance officer carrying a gun, security cameras, locking the door, installing a panic button and redoing the front of the office. No decision was made.
Realtor Heather Taylor reported two different offers on one of the two lots for sale on Joel at both meetings. Both offers were for $15,000. The city was asking $20,000. The city rejected both offers.
They discussed the possibility of selling the lot north of City Hall at both meetings. However, commissioners questioned if that is where a well is located. More investigation was needed.
Commissioners discussed the extension of the Vast contract at both meetings. City attorney Larry Nelson is reviewing the contract.
Resident Albert Oliver addressed the commission during public speaking at the Oct. 19 meeting. He did not like the waste of water being used to fill the retention pond in the park when the pipes are not connected. He was critical of maintenance lead Jake Haar’s work during the summer which he viewed as a waste of time.
The commission approved the transfer of $25,000 from contingency to various departments that were short.
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