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Lincoln County 4-H hosts recognition event: Luden family named 4-H Family of the Year

LENNOX, S.D. – Lincoln County 4-H hosted Recognition Event Nov. 3 in Lennox.

Lincoln County Livestock 4-H Club and Lincoln County 4-H Shooting Sports served as hosts for the event.

The Jeremy and Alissa Luden family was named the 4-H Family of the Year. The Ludens live in Lennox with their children, Ryan, Landon and Elizabeth. Alissa has served as the leaders association secretary for the past year and has been active in shooting sports. Ryan, Landon and Elizabeth are involved in shooting sports, horse and many static project areas.

Todd Hazel of Beresford was awarded the Meritorious Service Award. 

Hazel has been giving of his time and talents for many years by serving as a 4-H leader, beef committee chair and livestock committee chair. He was very active in preparing the fairgrounds to be ready for a full achievement days this year.

Brandon Otte was named the Friend of 4-H. Otte works in the Lincoln County Building & Grounds Department and spends a lot of his time making the grounds look neat and helping with various projects. 

Alyssa Bogue, Kaylee Bosma and Kurtis Sweeter were recognized with alumni awards. All of them have served on various committees and volunteered their time to the 4-H program.

Kaylee Bosma, Brecky Cwach and Barbara Dininger received their first-year leader pins. Brian Bramstedt, Alissa Luden and Kenneth Shaffer received their five-year leader pins. Mike Whitehead received his 15-year leader pin.

Karin Sweeter and Allie Westra received the CHS Inc. scholarship.

Elizabeth Luden, James Carpenter and Maxwell Kitrell received the top beginner records awards. Anna Sieperda received the top junior records awards. Katelyn Vargas and Tygan Fischer received the top senior records awards.

Isaac Boden received the top ag award.

Carson Strasser received the Visual Arts Dabbler Award for the beginner division, Harper Schoeberl received the award for the junior division and Hannah Broughton received the award for the senior division.

For the high point livestock judging awards, James Carpenter was the top beginner, Bode Sweeter was the top junior and Cassandra Twedt was the top senior.

High point horticulture and consumer decision making (CDM) skill-a-thon awards were sponsored by CFEL. For horticulture, Elizabeth Luden was the top beginner, Bellamy Westra was the top junior and Karin Sweeter was the top senior. For CDM, Aubree Sweeter was the top beginner, Anna Sieperda was the top junior and Karin Sweeter was the top senior. 

Members were also recognized for their accomplishments in shooting sports, dog and junior leaders. Eleven members received their first year pin, 11 members received their fifth year pin and four members received their 10th year pin. Seven members received the bronze award and eight members received the silver award. Sixteen project pins were awarded. 

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