Lennox Volunteer Fire Department received a $5,000 grant to fund P25 digital radio upgrades. The grant is provided through FCS America’s Working Here Fund.
The Working Here Fund grant will provide funds to help the fire department purchase three more digital radios for their firetrucks.
“We are very excited to receive this grant” said Mike Fodness, Lennox Fire Chief. “Communication is a vital part of emergency services. With this grant we can purchase three more radios, so all our trucks are updated to a national set of standards for digital communication.
Upgrading these radios will allow the fire department to become P25 compatible. P25 is a digital two-way radio that is part of a set of standards for land mobile radio systems. P25 radios are used by public safety agencies to provide critical communications. P25 is also a set of standards that manufactures must follow so their radios can communicate with other manufactures radios.
“We value the opportunity to support emergency responders dedicated to keeping our community members safe,” said Rachel Mehlhaf, regional vice president of customer experience in FCS America’s Sioux Falls office.
Lennox Volunteer Fire Department is one nearly 200 organizations to receive a Working Here Fund grant in the second quarter of 2024.
FCSAmerica awarded more than $1.5 million during the latest grant cycle ending June 30, 2024.
The Lennox Volunteer Fire Department is located in Lennox, SD. The fire department was founded in 1897 to serve and protect their community. The Lennox Volunteer Fire Department is made up of 28 volunteer members. Current range of years of service is their oldest member with 53 years all the way down to a couple months. The fire department is funded through city and township budgets. They are also funded through support from the community through grants, donations, and fundraisers.
Fire Chief is Mike Fodness, Assistant Fire Chief is Brandon Klinger, President is Aaron Sather, Vice President is Tyler Abbas, Treasurer is Micah Strasser, Secretary is Roger Strasser, Board members are Kale Bossman and Nathan Timmerman. Captains are Scott Timmerman, Gene Mayfield and Jason Bultena. Other fire fighters include: Harold Timmerman, Tyler Leisinger, Wayne Fischer, Terry Weber, Justin DeCou, Jaetin DeCou, Brock Hoogestraat, Derek Severson, John Fisher, Zach Leisinger, Derek Fisher, Devon Jongeling, Tanner Tipton, Alex Sinning, Jordan Fischer, Matt McCready, and Kris Kuper.
You can donate to the Lennox Fire Department through Venmo, @lennoxfire.