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Good Time Boys Memorial Golf Tournament this Saturday: Benefits LHS golf program

Shirley DeVries and Dixie Shay are gearing up to host the Good Time Boys Memorial Golf Tournament this Saturday, August 17. Shirley initiated the tournament a decade ago to honor the memory of her late husband, Lee DeVries, who passed away on August 21, 2012. The idea of a golf tournament came about as a meaningful way to celebrate his life.

The tournament honors not only Lee DeVries but also Duane Sygulla, Larry Sittner, Roger Shay, and Dwain Shay—five men whose memories continue to be cherished by their loved ones.

The Good Time Boys Memorial Tournament will take place at the Lenkota Golf Course, with an 18-hole, 4-person “Las Vegas Scramble” format. The day will kick off with a shotgun start at 10 a.m. The range opens at 8 a.m., and registration begins at 9 a.m. The entry fee is $50 per person, which includes mulligans. Participants can look forward to pin prizes and a meal at the conclusion of the tournament.

All proceeds from the event will go to support the Lennox High School golf program.

In addition to the tournament, there will be a raffle featuring two throws, a pillow, a donated Green Bay blanket, and a hand-stitched picture created by Dixie Shay. Raffle tickets are available and can be purchased at any time at the Lenkota Golf Course. The raffle drawing will take place during the tournament, with all proceeds going to the LHS golf program and a scholarship fund for a Lennox High School senior.


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