Rent a space to store your vehicles, campers or boats.
That was one option mentioned at Monday night’s Lennox City Council meeting, when several residents voiced concern about the recent parking violation notices that were found on front doors.
On December 15, the City of Lennox Facebook page gave a notice, “Many residents may notice tags on vehicles or building doors when they return home tonight. The Lennox Police Department has been working to identify parking violations, specifically parking on grass or unimproved surfaces (Lennox Municipal Ordinances 7.0401(J). Residents will have a reasonable amount of time to move any vehicles, trailers, campers, etc. from their property before any enforcement action is taken.
“Residents are also reminded that under Chapter 7.0417, owners of oversized vehicles (such as campers, trailers, boats/boat trailers, and recreational vehicles) are now required to obtain an Oversized Vehicle Parking Permit from City Hall. These permits are valid for 24 hours, and may be issued no more than twice in a 30-day period.
“Please feel free to contact City Hall at 605.647.2286 or nvp@cityoflennoxsd.com if you have questions about these or any other ordinances.”
During Monday’s meeting, one citizen who spoke to the matter suggested a knock on the door would have been better than a red warning tag. The other citizen said they did not have the space to get their vehicles off the street in case of a snow alert.
One solution suggested by alderman Chad Reilly was to rent a storage space.
Reilly also said the ordinance was not new, just being enforced. To clarify, he said, vehicles are to be parked, “on a hard surface, not out in a back yard, not in a side yard, not in gravel next to the driveway.”
Alderman Brock Rops said the intent of the ordinance is to clean up properties.
“The purpose really is to clean up properties who are… they just look bad,” Rops said. “We got a new development coming to town, we have people going to drive through town and say I wanna know if this, see if this, is a place they want to live, and looking at places that have five, four, three, six cars parked in a yard looks bad.”
In the Police Department report presented Monday it showed that 30 city ordinance violations were issued in four days.
In other business, council approved the consent agenda, which included reports.
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