The Lennox City Council met Monday, Nov. 27 in the Lennox Boardroom. With all members present, the Council heard items on the agenda including City Ordinances and a condemnation resolution.
The City of Lennox must update the description of properties included in the Rural Service District.
“You may recall that properties deemed included in the Rural Service District are protected from the impact of the municipal property tax levy until they are developed. Last year, the City Council added the Opheim Addition (west of Cleveland Avenue) into that district. Since that time, one of the parcels has been subdivided for sale (as opposed to development). As a result, Lincoln County has asked that the property descriptions be updated,” said City Administrator, Nate Vander Plaats.
Motion passed unanimously.
The City of Lennox has received an application to rezone two lots in the Countryside Addition from R2-Multi-Family Housing to GB-General Business.
“This is another second reading for Ordinance 643, to rezone two lots East of the existing housing in the Countryside Addition. As a reminder, this is plats 1 and 2 of Block 10 in Countryside Addition, bordered on the South by General Business and the East by General Business, West by Multi-family Residential and North by Agricultural. The application is consistent with the comprehensive plan and supports a smooth transition buffer between Business and Residential zones,” Vander Plaats said.
The City of Lennox must condemn the property at 317 N Main Street in the interest of public safety.
“As you will recall from the September 11, 2023, City Council Meeting, the City of Lennox inspected this property after years of concerns. Photos of that inspection are included in your packets, along with all prior communications with the property owner. Given the results of the inspection, staff believes it would be in the best interest of the City of Lennox and the community to protect public safety by condemning and demolishing this property. In consultation with the City Attorney, the first step in doing so is the resolution in front of you for consideration tonight,” Vander Plaats said.
Vander Plaats was questioned as to what the next steps are for this project.
“This is the first step of many, one thing we do have to cross off our list, assuming we pass this Resolution is, there is a second owner that we need to get in touch with again, after that, my guess is that there will be a court hearing, we need the Court’s permission to take this action as the City Council expressing their desire to move forward,” he said.
Motion approved.