There is no question it’s an election year, and although a lot of attention is focused on the Presidential race, there are other races and issues to consider.
Voters who had requested their absentee ballots early should have received them in the mail and may cast their ballots anytime before Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Ballots must be returned to the Lincoln County Auditor’s office by 7 p.m. Nov. 3 in order to be counted. Mail time cannot be guaranteed. Postmarks do not count. Ballots postmarked November 3 will not be open. Return envelope cost is $1.20 to mail back. The envelope needs to be signed on the back. The Lincoln County Courthouse does have a drop box in front of the courthouse for your convenience.
Watch this newspaper for more voting information as the date nears if voting in person.
Within Lincoln County, voters will decide on the Lincoln County Bond Issue. This bond issue includes both the construction of a County Jail (presumably to be built near Tea) and the renovations, improvements, demolition and reconstruction to the existing county courthouse in Canton.
The State’s Attorney Explanation reads, “Shall Lincoln County, South Dakota, issue and sell its negotiable general obligation bonds in a registered principal amount not exceeding fifty million dollars ($50,000,000.00), issued in one or more series by the Commission, payable and maturing from 1 and not to exceed 30 years after the year of issuance, for the purpose of purchasing land, constructing a new county public safety center (jail), furnishing and equipping the same, renovations, improvements, demolition and reconstruction to the existing county courthouse (the “improvements or construction”), and paying costs of issuance. Shall the above proposition be approved and the bonds issued? A vote yes is in favor of issuing the bonds, a vote no is against the issuing of the bonds.”
Also on your South Dakota ballot will be the United States Senator choice, Republican Mike Rounds or Democratic candidate Dan Ahlers. For United State Representative you may vote for Republican Dusty Johnson or Libertarian Randy Luallin. For Public Utilities Commissioner you may vote for Republican Gary Hanson, Libertarian Devin Saxon, or Democrat Remi W. B. Bald Eagle.
In District 6 for State Senator voters will decide between Republican Herman Otten and Democrat Nancy Kirstein. In District 6 for State Representative voters will cast their ballots for two out of the following three candidates, Republicans Ernie Otten and Aaron Aylward and Democrat Cody Ingle.
In District 16 incumbent Sen. Jim Bolin of Canton, Republican, is running unopposed.
In District 16 State Representative candidates Kevin Jensen and David Anderson, Republicans, are running unopposed.
Nonpolitical ballot choice for the Supreme Court Justice Retention asks, “Shall the justice on the supreme Court named on this ballot, whose term expires January 1, 20221, be retained in this office?”
Justice Steven Jensen, representing the Fourth Supreme Court District, is listed.
The Statewide Amendments A and B, as well as Initiated Measure 26 will also appear on your ballot.
LOGIN to see this week’s stories on the Amendments and Initiated Measure for details.