It’s beginning to take shape. The Lennox Elementary Phase 1 construction is well underway with the bones of the new facility showing the outline of things to come.
On Monday night, Superintendent Chad Conaway led school board members on a tour of the facility to show the progress being made. Construction is about one week behind due to weather, said Conaway, but Phase 1 of the project is still expected to be completed by June of 2020.
Phase 1 will include classrooms, a media center (library) and computer lab, as well as Title I, speech and resource rooms.
Phase 2 of the project will include demolition of the west wing of the present school to make room for a kindergarten wing and a bus dropoff. Phase 2 is expected to be completed by January of 2021.
Once both phases of construction are completed, the new additions will provide four classrooms at each grade level and two playground areas. A bid from American Fence Company was accepted on Monday night for the new playground equipment. A picture of the Lennox Elementary School plan is on page 8.
Following the tour, the board resumed their regular meeting in the Lennox Community Library conference room.
Conaway reported that the minor boundary change with the Sioux Falls School District was in the appraisal stage. A resolution will be ready for the School Board to act on at the November meeting.
This proposal will put land at the very northern part of the Lennox District into the Sioux Falls School District in exchange for capital outlay taxes. This land, which is in the Sioux Falls city limits, is expected to be developed and has the potential to add hundreds of students to the district. If it were to stay in the Lennox District, a new school would have to be built to provide for the students.
The board will also consider a resolution for a minor boundary change with the Tea Area School District in November.
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