The Public Works Report by Jeremy Gulbranson provided information on the recent water main break within the Central Basin project in the early morning hours of August 10.
The main break was isolated between Main Street and Cedar. Residents were able to go back to normal water usage after several hours. It was reported that about 10 customers were under a boil water order. City staff provided bottled water to those residents, reported Gulbranson.
He said, “These things happen on reconstruction projects… the affected main is the one we are proposing to replace. We are moving to a better product under the road.”
He said that residents also reported muddy water after the incident.
Gulbranson updated the council on other items being addressed by the water department.
He said the pool project is on schedule and he continues to be impressed by Carrothers Construction Company.
He said on the street side of things, pot hole patching, fogging and baseball prep has been keeping them busy. The slurry seal project will be starting next week. This area includes the Main St. project from last year and the Central Basin 1 project, following that they will branch out to other areas to prep for the crack sealing process as planned.
He also noted that Main Street and 4th Ave. intersection would be closed on Tuesday for approximately three days to set the sanitary sewer manhole for the Central Basin 2 Project.
Under the Engineer’s Report City Engineer Mitch Mergen updated council on the construction in Central Basin Project Phase 2. The majority of the utilities are installed with the exception of the sump pump collection system. MidAmerican Energy is on site relocating their facilities to accommodate the City’s project. Once complete, the contractor will begin roadway work. Work on Phase 2 continues with underground utilities. Sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer are in progress.
He addressed the concern about maintaining access on Fifth Ave and Elm Street for school traffic to travel safely.
“There should be gravel so buses can get in there,” he said, “we are talking about building that in segments.”
All reports were approved.
Under new business a change order in the Central Basin 2 was approved in the amount of $93,560.00. Mergen explained this change order involves the water main that was talked about. Currently the water main is fairly shallow at five feet, Mergen said industry standard is six.
He said, “we feel it is appropriate to replace and put down to six foot of cover.”
The change order was approved.
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