The Lennox City Council held their first regular meeting of June on Monday. The council moved quickly through the agenda with no visitors to be heard; they approved minutes and claims as presented with no discussion.
Lennox City Administrator, Nathan Vander Plaats gave his report to the council leading with updates on the park. He said they have made progress on field availability. He complemented Daren Mechels, who supervises all park operations, on doing well with balancing his street and park responsibilities.
Vander Plaats said they are having equipment issues and several mowers need repair.
Also within the report, Vander Plaats said that code enforcement continues to be a struggle for the city and that the up-tick in building permits in recent weeks has become a greater burden for the part-time building inspector.
Vander Plaats said the Countryside Addition is making steady progress. He also stated that all four of the manufactured home parks in the community have turned in their license applications and he and city staff would start inspections this week.
Vander Plaats said they are working with DENR, SECOG and Mitch Mergen to secure additional funding to complete the Central Basin Project in 2020.
Council approved the report.
Next up, the Public Works Report was presented by Jeremy Gulbranson, who offered a quick recap of May. He said it was the second wettest month in 125 years, and the wettest 12 months in history. He stated that the city received 24.5 million gallons of water for the month at the Waste Water Treatment Facility, with a peak day of 2.1 million in 24 hours.
Gulbranson said that the new cloud based SCADA system could be in place June 19.
On the street side of things, Gulbranson said that asphalt patching continues, gravel streets have been bladed, and regarding areas that haven’t been touched there is a reason.
Councilman Brock Rops asked about repair on the Boynton area and Vander Plaats said that the spring thaw road repairs are going to bid this week, with the bid opening to be June 26. Although City Engineer Mitch Mergen mentioned it could be two months out for work to begin.
Gulbranson said that he has met with the contractor and engineer on the Central Basin Project to discuss what he expects with utility installation and customer impact. Gulbranson was glad to see the contractor doing temporary water mains for the residents.
He also said the pool excavation is going well. Council approved the report.
Mergen with Stockwell Engineers presented his report to the council leading with updates on the Central Basin Project Phase 2, this project includes upgrades to street and utilities within the central drainage basin of the City. Work has begun in the phase 1 area of the project, on 5th Ave. and Elm Street.
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