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School Board breaks ground on Lennox elementary project

At approximately 5 p.m. on Monday night, Lennox School Board members and staff held a ground breaking ceremony for the new Lennox Elementary addition.

Following the ceremony, they returned to their meeting room in the Library to interview two candidates for the open position on the school board, which became vacant when Sandy Poppenga resigned.

The regular meeting began at 6 p.m. on Monday. Superintendent Chad Conaway reported that the district was in full swing with the building projects. Besides the elementary school project, a roof project was underway and seal coating at the high school.

The board made quick work of the action items. After approving the minutes, financial report, and claims, they accepted the resignations of Tim Pusch, bus driving and two hour lunch room cleaning; Robert Boe, custodian; Rebecca Fischer, special education aide.

New contracts/work agreements were approved for Carol Zingler, food Service (two hours); Robert Boe, Custodian (two hours lunch room); Christine Sayler, One Act Director.

Classified and Special Services contracts were approved. Membership with the ASBSD (Associated School Boards of South Dakota) was approved.

The board approved the Waiver from Administrative Rule 24:43:11:01; this will allow 8th graders to receive high school credit for Algebra I.

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