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Lennox Elementary building project nears final design

Monday night the Lennox School District 41-4 Board of Education held their January meeting with a full agenda. The only change made was to move the approval of resignations to after executive session.

With no comments from the public, Superintendent Chad Conaway presented the board with his report. Conaway said the committee formed to evaluate growth in the northern part of the district has been discussing the best avenue for the district.

Due to the amount of homes slated to be developed in the Sioux Falls area, looking at a minor boundary change is the option being explored. Conaway said the conversation with the neighboring district has started and the information will be gathered. The decision will go before the full board when action is necessary. Conaway said the land swap could benefit both districts.

Conaway provided a legislative update, touching on the topic of state funding, the opportunity scholarship bill and the extraordinary cost fund for special education.

Conaway also updated the Board on the Lennox Elementary building project. The Long-Range Planning Committee initially selected a plan that would add classrooms south of the current building. Conaway said the goal is to have a four section building for the elementary. Another idea was to have library space there, and Conaway said that can be accomplished while still providing capacity for the special education population. The committee will meet again in February with the goal to have building specs by April and begin construction as soon as May 1, 2019.

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