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Lennox teachers team up to bring a new way of learning tech to students

Computer Science and English are two school subjects that seem completely different and opposite of each other. That is, until now. Thanks to the work of two local teachers, the two disciplines have been able to come together to create a unique educational experience for students in the Lennox School District.

Lennox Intermediate teachers Janessa Randby and Andrea Irish have introduced materials to students called ‘CS First’. CS First is a curriculum that focuses on coding that is provided to schools for free by Google.

Randby, a computer teacher, and Irish, an English teacher, first introduced the curriculum to students earlier this fall in an after-school programming club. Their plan is to integrate this into the curriculum in the future as a class. Last falls’ program- ming club was a success, with the participating students and their teachers both enjoying

Janessa Randby and Andrea Irish the materials while students learned valuable life skills.

Randby stated that, “My goal is to teach kids problem solving and computer science does a really nice job of helping kids develop their problem solving skills.”

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