With Veteran’s Day approaching this week on Sunday, November 11, this week is a perfect time to take some time to get to know local veterans and their stories while making sure to give them a ‘thank you’ for all of their hard work and service.
Clifford, or Cliff, Wulf of Lennox is one such veteran in the community. Wulf has over 23 years of active duty and 3 years inactive duty.'
Wulf comes from a large family that was heavily involved in the military. Born south of Larchwood, Iowa, Wulf had nine brothers and two sisters. Eight of those brothers were in the service. His brothers that served were Leo, Robert, Kenneth, Ronald, Clifford, Ray, Floyd, and Lloyd. Wulf’s brother Donald never served on account of a childhood injury. His brother-in-law’s Bill Sharp and Mike McDonnell also were in the service.
The following is an account of Wulf’s experiences in Vietnam, retold from a personal Wulf family military history book that he and his military siblings told their stories in and from a personal interview with Wulf:
After graduating from West Lyon High School in 1966, Wulf’s numbers came up and he was drafted into the United States Army on June 27, 1967.
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