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Worthing City Commissioners close Civic Center due to safety concerns

At the Sept. 10 city commission meeting, the Worthing City Commission decided to close the Civic Center due to safety concerns. The Civic Center will be closed indefinitely starting Sept. 15. City finance officer Linda Hunnel said they are staying open this week so people could wrap up a few things in the building.

The safety concerns stem from prolonged water damage and the roof leaking. Sheetrock has started to crumble inside. Hunnel said they are looking at sources of funding and trying to weigh their options for the building. She also noted the upcoming general election polling place in November will have to move to a new location yet to be determined.

The Worthing City Commission has had a busy August as they passed ordinances, resolutions and began talking about the 2019 budget.

Mayor Bradley Hazuka said they passed a resolution updating building permits and fees at their Aug. 6 meeting. The resolution simplifies planning and zoning’s inspection and permit process. They now have a flier to hand out to citizens that explains what projects need permits.

The city also purchased a trailer. After looking at what they have been spending on renting a trailer, the commission decided buying one would be better.

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