A community meeting will be held at the Lennox Elementary School gymnasium on Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. to give parents and community members a look at and offer input into the proposed building plans for Lennox Elementary and to discuss future growth of the district.
Superintendent Chad Conaway said that the Long-Range Planning Committee has initially selected a plan that would add classrooms south of the current building. Phase 2 of the selected plan would demolish the west wing of the school to make room for a bus drop-off. As enrollments increase, six more classrooms could be added to the northwest corner, making the school a four-section building.
Classes are growing in the Lennox School District. Conaway said that after registration, they have 23 students in each of three kindergarten classes, plus 24 in the Worthing kindergarten and two classes of Junior Kindergarten in Lennox Elementary.
This building plan would not require a bond, explained Conaway; it would be built with funds from Capital Outlay.
Conaway will also be discussing the growth to the north of the district at the community meeting and the options available to the district in servicing that growth. The Lennox School District is a large district, covering 192 square miles.
Information relevant to growth, building projects, and district boundaries is located on Conaway’s web-page at http://www.lennox.k12.sd.us/superintendentpage2.html. During the regular meeting of the Lennox School Board on Monday night of this week Superintendent Chad Conaway reported on projects that were completed or are nearing completion during the summer, including a new elementary computer lab, new touch tvs, delivery of the propane bus, installation of LED lights at the high school parking lot, sidewalk improvements at the high school and junior high, parking lot improvement at the high school, HVAC at the intermediate school and the Worthing playground.
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