The Lennox City Council called a regular meeting to order at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 23. The agenda was approved without questions and the meeting began with the pledge of allegiance.
Two Lennox residents spoke during the visitors to be heard portion of the meeting. The second speaker during the visitors to be heard agenda item was Ben Hanson. He explained confusion over receiving a letter of notice from the city due to a boat parked on his property. Hanson explained the boat has been parked along the side of his property.
Resident Kim Poppenga also attended the meeting to address a pool nuisance letter she received. She explained the regulations as being misinterpreted by the individual who filed the complaint.
“Before I got my swimming pool, I talked to two city councilmen,” Poppenga said. “It’s an unfounded nuisance complaint. If you remove the ladder, you’re fine.”
Council acknowledged that she had complied with ordinances and the complaint was not valid based on Poppenga’s information.
Another prominent topic on the agenda was the resolution of necessity to issue bonds for construction of a new public pool. West read the entirety of the resolution document to attendees. The estimated total cost of the project is $1,775,000.
If approved, the bonds will be issued for up to $1,700,000. Current funds will also be used to cover the remaining costs, according to Finance Officer Donna Houck. The motion carried 5-0.
Calling of a special election was also approved by council for the project. The election will be held between 7 AM and 7 PM central time on Tuesday, October 2, 2018.
Council also motioned to authorize approval of the DA Davison Engagement letter for underwriting the general obligation bonds.
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