Saturday, July 28 the Lincoln County Achievement Days kick-off with the 4-H dog show at 8:30 that morning. One Lennox resident, will be there with her dog Lucy — Olivia Newell, daughter of Brenda Newell and soon to be eighth grader at LWC Jr. High, says 4-H is one of her favorite things to do.
“It’s really fun,” she said, “because you have a bunch of opportunities.”
Newell has been involved in 4-H since she was six years old.As a member of the Blue Ribbon Seekers, she takes part in the dog show and enters several craft and photography projects.
Newell is also in FFA and this year was able to have a lamb at the Lennox High School AgriScience Learning Lab. As a town resident, having the option to keep her livestock animal at the school farm made it possible for her to try something new.
“It’s my first time having livestock,” said Newell, “My first show was in Parker.”
She plans to show her lamb at the Sioux Empire Fair and at the Turner County Fair.
“FFA has a lot to do with competitions, 4-H is more learning and finding out what you want to do,” Newell said.
She’s spent some time training her dog this summer for Saturday’s show.
“We go to the Canton Fairgrounds like once a week in the summer,” Newell said, “The agility course is set up.”
Her dog Lucy is a miniature dachshund who is nine years old; she has been showing her for about six years.
Newell’s craft projects vary from painting to wood-burning to photography. She plans to bring several pieces out to Achievement Days to be judged next week.
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