Lincoln County farmer Alan Rops applied for and was awarded $2,500 to be given to the Lennox Area Community Fund (LACF) as part of the America’s Farmers Grow Communities program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund.
The funds will go in to the Lennox Area Community endowment fund, where each donation helps to grow the fund, and in turn the LACF is able to provide more grants to the communities of Lennox, Chancellor and Worthing each year.
Rops said, “Having gown up in this community, then coming back and working in this community as high school principal for 25 years, and on the family farm, I feel it is important to give back to a community that has supported me through these years. One of the ways to do that is to contribute to the LACF, which is an endowment fund, so it will always be here and give to those in Lennox, Chancellor and Worthing. The more significant the fund — the more significant the grants.”
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