One addition was made to Monday night’s Lennox City Council agenda — water and sewer rates.
Under old business, Councilman Brock Rops raised a question regarding this month’s increase on the water bills, citing concern from several citizens and council members.
He noted that rather than the $5.15 increase on average, he saw a $15 increase. Others concurred. One citizen in attendance said that his bill was up 38 dollars, which he said was a 42% increase.
Amanda Anglin, Lennox City Administrator, said, “We may have made a mistake, it’s possible that something didn’t calculate right. We’ll go back and recheck it and see.”
On Tuesday morning, Anglin confirmed an error in the structure of the new rates was discovered. She said that city staff will work toward adjusting the rates accordingly.
In other business during Monday night’s meeting, the council approved the one day malt beverage license for the Lennox Commercial Club’s July 3rd Street Dance. This year the dance will feature the Johnny Holm Band.
Jason Gearman was present to speak to the council regarding his candidacy for Lincoln County sheriff. Gearman currently resides in Tea. He is a South Dakota certified law enforcement officer. In the past 25 years he has been with the Minnehaha County sheriff’s office, rising to the rank of Captain.
It was also noted that Chelsea had resigned as the Park and Rec Administrator and that Grant Sweeter has been hired for the position by the Park and Rec Advisory Board. Councilman Greg Poppenga requested a summary of hours and work completed.
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