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Lincoln County receives preservation bridge grants

Lincoln County was awarded two preservation grants last week. The South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded 17 Bridge Improvement Grants (BIG) totaling $8 million at their monthly meeting March 29 in Pierre.

The first preservation grant received is for a bridge located on 294th Street at the state line over the Big Sioux River. The second grant is for a bridge on 283rd Street over the Big Sioux 1.6 miles South and 0.6 miles East of Canton. The grant award amounts are $255,400 and $251,400. The general description of the work is to place polymer seal coats on the bridge decks. According to Doug Kinniburgh, with the office of Local Government Assistance, SDDOT, both bridges are in good shape and these preservation projects will ensure that they remain in good shape.

The total grant funding includes nine bridge preservation projects totaling $2.65 million, and eight bridge replacement/rehabilitation projects totaling $5.33 million.

Preservation grant recipients are: Grant County (3), Lincoln County (2), Perkins County, Custer County (2) and the city of Mitchell.

Bridge Replacement/Rehabilitation grant recipients are: Brookings County (2), Brown County, Custer County, Grant County, Lake County, the city of Hot Springs and the city of Parkston.

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