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Worthing commission hears from citizens

The Worthing City Commission held its first meeting of the month Feb. 5.

Banner & Associates addressed the commission with information about their company. The commission’s main questions for them involved lagoon maintenance and expansion, water tower repainting and structural projects. They were there to give the commission information on the services they offer.

The commission also heard complaints regarding Weller Brothers and their use of the property 70 feet past their north property line. Mayor Bradley Hazuka said they will look into the city’s agreement with Weller Brothers with regard to Cedar Street.

Another citizen noted her concerns about the drinking she sees going on outside of the bar in the street, particularly during the summer. She would like to see more police presence in the area during bar hours.

In the maintenance report, finance officer Linda Hunnel reported on their behalf since they were out moving snow. They said they are in need of new tires on the loader. Bids for that are expected for the next meeting.

Hunnel noted in her report that the state rec trail grant funding is available again. However, commissioners said they did not put that in the budget and plan to hold off on the next phase of the rec trail project until after the city has fixed other items.

She also passed around a sheet with water and sewer fees for 15 towns in southeast South Dakota for the commissioners’ review. Hunnel also talked about how to proceed with the water tower painting bid process.

Hunnel also noted citywide rummage sales are May 4-5. Worthing Days status is up in the air. They are looking for someone to head it up and volunteers to put it on.

Commissioner Crystal Jacobson said the Lennox maintenance staff came over to go through some sewer items with the Worthing maintenance staff. They plan to come over again when Worthing discharges the lagoon.

Commissioner John Ganschow is looking into leasing a tractor. Commissioner Sheri Lund has someone lined up to check out the Civic Center structural issues.

The commission approved the minutes from the Jan. 25 meeting, January cash report and Feb. 5 claims.

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