The Lennox City Council held their first regular meeting of the month. The minutes, finance reports, claims, and November payroll were all approved. The Ambulance call report for November showed 24 total calls, which brings the total calls to 312 for the year thus far.
City Administrator Amanda Anglin told the council about her meeting with Ed Fett, who is on the Perry Township Board, in regards to the Boynton Avenue Maintenance Agreement.
She said, “It sounds like in the past the agreement between Perry Township was that the city was responsible for the grading of the road, the township would take care of the snow removal and the city and the township would split the cost of the gravel 50/50.”
She said that there was 274 tons of gravel placed on the road in 2015, total cost was $2400, so the city’s portion was $1200. Gravel was to be placed every two years.
Fett said the Township is amicable to the same agreement if the city removes Boynton Ave. as a truck route.
In discussion Anglin added, the truck route would then end at Main Street and go down to First Ave.
A concern was brought up with the Cleveland bridge. Councilman Greg Poppenga asked if Lincoln County was planning any improvement there. Mayor Orville Wiebers instructed Anglin to find out from the County regarding the bridge.
Councilman William Welch added that he liked the idea of adding culverts to the Boynton Avenue Maintenance agreement.
Councilman Mike Gregg made a motion to eliminate the truck route on West Boynton which passed unanimously.
Anglin will continue to work on the Boynton Avenue Maintenance Agreement with Perry Township.
Under reports, Anglin talked about winter sump pump maintenance and referenced the information that was sent out last week. The planning meeting talked about last month has been scheduled for Jan. 15th.
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