The City of Worthing held their regular meeting on Monday, July 10, 2017 at the Worthing Civic Center. During the public speaking Jean Lipetzky, from MidAmerican Energy, presented Deputy Finance Officer Travis Harford with a check for $2500 to be used for the Recreation Board’s purchase of an electronic scoreboard. Mayor Brad Hazuka and the Worthing City Commission, on behalf of the citizens of Worthing, thanked Ms. Lipetzky and MidAmerican Energy for their generosity.
Brad Clay asked if there was any progress on the City vacating Railway Street. Mayor Hazuka said he is awaiting instructions from the City Attorney and that we would most likely retain the portion of land where city utilities are buried.
Judy Hartman was present to voice concern over the long period that fireworks were allowed this year. Ms. Hartman asked if the discharge of fireworks could be cut down to two days next year to lessen the noise and inconvenience.
Travis Peterson had a complaint about open burning and unattended fires in the city. Peterson stated that residents were burning leaves and garbage.
Finance Officer Linda Hunnel asked that Mr. Peterson call the Finance Officer with details and she would have an officer deliver the residents a code violation letter. Mayor Hazuka and the commission discussed adding stronger language to the burning section of the municipal ordinance.
Under reports, Jon Fischer of Stockwell Engineers reviewed the options of bringing sewer to the lot south of the school with the commission.
Fischer said the Recreational Trail Bridge was due to be delivered around July 27-Aug 2 and that he was working with the contractors on the water meter project.
Sludge in cell one of the city lagoon is an issue that is going to have to be addressed due to the loss of capacity the sludge is causing.
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