Gov. Dennis Daugaard says the state Board of Water and Natural Resources approved a $4.678 million funding package for Lennox to make drinking water and sewer system improvements.
The funding package includes a $2 million Consolidated Water Facilities Construction grant, a $270,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund grant, a $1.496 million Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $912,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan. Loan terms are 2.5 percent for 30 years for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and 2.25 percent for 30 years for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan.
The funds will be administered through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
“I am pleased to announce that Lennox will receive this assistance,” said Gov. Daugaard. “This funding will help make necessary drinking water and sewer improvements to better serve the city’s residents.”
The city is continuing to make improvements to its water and wastewater infrastructure. This phase of the improvements addresses aging infrastructure in the central part of the city. The project involves replacing, extending and looping 2,400 feet of drinking water main, replacing 4,900 feet of sanitary sewer line and constructing 4,200 feet of storm sewer. These improvements will allow the city to improve drinking water pressure and quality, reduce infiltration and inflow in the sanitary sewer and convey storm water to drainage areas away from homes.
The funding package will cover the estimated cost of the projects.
The Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program, funded in part by revenues from the Petroleum Release Compensation Tank Inspection fee and the sale of lotto tickets, provides grants and loans for water, wastewater, and watershed projects.
The State of South Dakota and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fund the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, which provides low-interest loans for public drinking water system projects. The State of South Dakota and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fund the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, which provides low-interest loans and grants for wastewater, storm water and nonpoint source projects.
The board met last Thursday in Pierre.