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No decision yet on Lennox pool

Tuesday, May 16th the Lennox City Council held a special meeting for the purpose of discussing the condition of the Lennox Swimming Pool. That evening it was decided to have the geo core and structural studies done. By the time the regular city council meeting was held on Monday, May 22 the studies were back with partial results. According to an email from Rise Structural Associates Inc., it was reported that although the final report was not finished, the pool floor cracks and delaminated areas were mapped. The email stated that the slab area, exclusive of the deep end, is 3,215 sq. ft. Delamination is present in approximately 750 sq. ft. or nearly 25% of the area.

The large crack near the east side requires a full-depth repair. The slab will have to be removed between parallel saw-cuts either side of the crack (approximately 4’ apart), new reinforcing doweled into the existing slab, and the intervening space filled with low slump concrete.

In the email it was stated, “As yet, we don’t see an effective means of repairing the large crack as a temporary measure to permit the pool to be open this year. We will continue to research this.”

It was also stated that any repairs do not address the basic underlying issue identified in Geotek’s report.

In the report from Geotek Engineering and Testing Services, Inc. it was stated that no voids were noted below the concrete.

In the analysis it was stated, “Generally, the glacial till soils found in the borings have moderate to high strength characteristics and are suitable for support of the pool floor. These soils have a moderate to high frost susceptibility. The fat clay soils may also exhibit some expansive soil pressures, that is they will expand and contract with an increase or decrease in the moisture content.

“We attribute the observed distress to frost heave and/or effects of the fat clay soils over the life of the pool. The high water table and/or pool leakage likely also contributes to the issue. We understand the pool floor will be patched for use this year. Efforts should be made to minimize pool leakage. It should, however, be understood that distress of the pool will likely continue to occur unless the underlying cause is addressed.

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