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A day of remembrance: Local Legions to host Memorial Day Programs

The Lennox Memorial Day service will be once again be held at 7:00 p.m. on the official holiday which is next Monday, May 29. The service will be under the auspices of Brethorst-Burma Post No. 174 of the American Legion, a tradition which dates back over nine decades, and will be held at the Lennox Legion Hall.

This year’s Memorial Day speaker will be Rev. Dr. Harlan Hayunga of Second Reformed Church in Lennox SD.

Also as in previous years, the Lennox Municipal Band, under the direction of Byron Youngquist, will provide the music for the Memorial Day service. The presentation of student academic and citizenship awards will be made by Legion Representatives. A number of students will participate in the program, their names, along with those of award winners, being listed in the program found on page 8.

Post Commander John Kirchner invites everyone to attend the local Memorial Day service, to honor the memory of those who made great sacrifices in service to their country and for the defense of liberty. Local Legion Post members will, as in years past, honor their fallen comrades on Memorial Day with the Avenue of Flags at the cemetery, weather permitting. Note the plaques that represent the names of people and organizations who have donated burial flags, flag poles, or both are now displayed in a case on the west side of the cemetery; this is a project by local Boy Scout Alex Ruud.

It is also noted that Memorial Day is a most appropriate time to visit the Lennox Veterans Memorial site and perhaps read the names engraved on the monument and the many bricks at the site. Anyone interested in securing one of these engraved bricks honoring a veteran with a local connection, should contact Larry DeVries, Tony Groebner or Verlyn Hofer.

The Chancellor 2017 Memorial Day Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, May 29th, at the Germantown Presbyterian Church (3 miles north and I mile east of Chancellor). The speaker will be Brigadier General Russ A. Walz, The Director of Joint Staff, S. D. National Guard Joint Force Headquarters, Rapid City, SD.

The Chancellor Legion will be honoring their Gold Star Sisters. The Eighth Grade Academic recipients are: Katelyn Plucker and Mason Temme. Eighth Grade Scholastic awards recipients are: Briana Zingler and Kyle Rippentrop.

Special Music will be provided by William Kortemeyer singing: “Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones.” Berneta Berens will be the pianist.

The Flanders Field Ceremony will be west of the Church.

Auxiliary members will assist young children putting wreaths on the 13 crosses.

Kent DeJong will read off the 200 plus names of the area deceased war veterans; 12 names were added this year. Orville DeNeui and Wayne Kuper will be in charge of the Color Guard and the Firing Squad.

The Auxiliary will serve rolls and coffee after the service in the church social hall.

Other Post #283 members will put up flags on the 200 plus veteran’s graves at the four local cemeteries (Chancellor Baptist, Chancellor Reformed, Germantown. Presbyterian and The Turner County Evangelical Presbyterian Churches.)

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