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Rebuilding in Haiti: Local church group offers help

Lennox Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Pastor Ethan Sayler and seven other parishioners recently returned from a mission trip to Haiti. Sayler said the group left for the eight day trip on Feb. 14, 2017. Those attending included: Alvin Haan, Vicky LeVene, Charlotte Lounsbery, Lisa Berens, Jim Wipf and his son Zach (age 15) and Sayler and his son Caleb (age 14).

The Lennox Ebenezer Presbyterian Church has a strong emphasis in missions, explained Sayler, and it had been several years since the church organized a group to go to Haiti. Sayler said they worked with Les De Roos of Laborers With Christ. It was through this connection that Sayler arranged for the Ebenezer Presbyterian group to work with De Roos and support his ministry.

Another group Sayler said they worked with was GoServ Global, who helps to fund one of the orphanages in Haiti and oversee the Safe T Home Program. GoServ Global has teamed up with Sukup Manufacturing to bring the Safe T Home, a highly-modified grain bin, to Haiti and other places around the world to be used as compassionate housing for displaced people.

According to the GoServ website, Hurricane Matthew devastated GoServ Global’s projects in Les Cayes in October 2016. Rivenson Dige, pastor of Centre de Vie Church in Les Cayes, shared, “This is the most devastating hurricane that I have ever seen… GoServ Global has focused relief efforts on housing. All of the existing Safe T Homes withstood the 145 hurricane winds with minimal damage and many lives were saved as up to 60 people crowded into the homes to ride out the storm.”

Sayler said they were able to see first hand the devastation left from the October hurricane and help to rebuild and replant.

He said, “The hurricane destroyed everything in the orphanage, and they built these Safe T Homes on the ruins.”

Sayler said that De Ross teaches sustainable agriculture to the Haitians. One of the jobs the Ebenezer group worked on was the reconstruction of a fish farm. They raise tilapia there. Other work the Ebenezer group completed was putting together several trampolines at the orphanages for the children to have something to play on.

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