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Lennox Commercial Club sponsors Easter promotion

Every year, the Lennox Commercial Club businesses invite area children to stop by their businesses to get an Easter treat. Turn to page 12 of this week’s newspaper for the Easter Egg Parade form. If children are able to get all of the Easter Eggs stamped/initialed they can turn the entry form into Lewis Drug (located in Sunshine Foods on Hwy. 17) to be entered into a drawing for an Easter Basket. The contest ends April 13, 2017.

The Lennox Commercial Club met Monday evening with ten people in attendance. The big project for the Lennox Commercial Club is the Lennox Old Fashioned Fourth of July weekend. Plans are underway now for the Street Dance, which will take place on Monday, July 3rd with a new headlining act — The Dweebs. According to their website, The Dweebs’ show is entertaining to the max, and they call themselves America’s Favorite Party Band.

Opening for The Dweebs will be Smooche, a Sioux Falls based band that plays everyone’s favorites, according to their Facebook page, they are good-time rock and roll band with a little extra zing!

The road race, parade, arts in the park, tractor pull and more will take place on Tuesday, July 4. With Main Street construction soon to be underway, a new parade route will be expected, watch the newspaper for details as plans unfold.

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