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Worthing to hold election April 11:No election for City of Lennox or Lennox School District 41-4

The City of Worthing will hold elections on April 11. There will be no City of Lennox or Lennox School District elections. Nominating petitions were turned in Friday, February 24.

For the City of Worthing, petitions were filed by Bradley J. Hazuka and Cody J. Roth for Mayor (five year term), and for City Commissioner (3 year term) John Ganschow and Eric Bunkers (current).

For the City of Lennox, petitions filed included current councilman Chad Wulf for Ward I, and two new council members: Brock Rops for Ward II and Johnny Kirchner for Ward III; all will serve a two year term.

Lennox School District 41-4 had two petitions turned in for the three open seats, so no election will take place and the School Board will appoint someone to the third position. The petitions turned in were from Sandy Poppenga (current) and Heidi Bowers. Board members whose terms have expired include Dawn Wolf and Mary Peters. The School Board positions are for a three year term.

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