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Inspired to make a difference: Local ten year old raises money for Christmas gifts

There’s no age restrictions on making a difference in the world. In fact, it is often a child who can inspire. Such is the case with local ten year old, Callie Hammerstrom, daughter of Rick and Tracie Hammerstrom of Worthing.

Callie is a fifth grade student at LWC Intermediate School. She said, “I had been seeing commercials about cancer, and it stood out to me. I wanted to do something about it.”

Callie said at school they have a Reading Plus program, one of the stories in the program was about a lemonade stand that a little girl ran and raised money for a Children’s Hospital.

“That kind of encouraged me,” she said.

She, with the help of her family and church, set out to raise money through a bake sale to purchase gifts to be donated to Sanford’s Children’s Hospital. Callie’s mom, Tracie said that some of the gifts were specifically for the oncology unit.

Tracie said they started the project with help from their financial institution. She said, “Thrivent has Action dollars, and they give that to their customers to give them a chance to go out into the community.”

Then they talked to members of their church, Turner County Evangelical Presbyterian Church (TCEPC). Tracie said they used the Action dollars to buy ingredients and got together with other church members to bake cookies. Not only that, Callie’s grandparents and aunts also helped to bake.

“It was a baking frenzy,” Tracie said with a smile.

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