Council says address the issues and get the current pool open ASAP
Last week as the Lennox Swimming Pool was being readied for the season, broken pipes under the concrete were discovered. City workers attempted Friday to uncover the issues (pictured above). Lennox City Finance Officer, Jerry Jones said what caused the problems is pure speculation. Last spring they had a terrible time getting the pool to hold water. Jones said things shifted with that floor buckling. The plumber assisting with the pool said the breaks are freeze breaks. With the breaks under the concrete they had to cap several skimmers off, which means keeping the chemical concentration correct will be much harder.
Due to these issues, the City Council is faced with a decision — to close the pool for the season or put more money into the out-dated pool. The City Council meet Tuesday, May 31 to decide. Ultimately the Lennox City Council directed city employees to fix the issues at the current pool and try to get it open as soon as possible.
The decision came after a lengthy meeting in which Pool Manager Dustin McLouth read off a long list of items that needed to be addressed before the pool can open. Council also heard from parent's of lifeguards hired for the summer job.
City employee Dave Tipton said the leaks seemed to be repaired. Details about this meeting will be in next week's paper.
What we do know is that work will continue to get the Lennox Pool open for the summer.