Worthing Commissioners met for their third meeting of the month on Monday, Dec. 21.
Jon Ganschow spoke to Commissioners about conditions of his property after the back flow valves were installed. He presented the board with photos of his property.
Commissioners acknowledged that it should be leveled out, but said the area would not be reseeded by the city.
Before City crews made plans to level the land, Mayor Eric Saugstad instructed City Administrator Amanda Mack to talk to the contractors about their responsibility and report back to the Commissioners and Ganschow.
It was unlikely that anything would get done before spring. The homeowner was okay with getting done in spring, as long as it got done.
The revenue expense report was tabled, as Mack explained that the new person is having problems closing out books.
In looking at the minutes of Dec. 7 and 14, Saugstad asked that the minutes of Dec. 7 be tabled as there were corrections to be made.
Commissioner Carrie McDannel asked that the Dec. 14 minutes included thanking the City Administrator for her work for the City. The Dec. 14 minutes were approved as amended.
The Commission then discussed Resolution 12212015-1, a Housing Development Incentive. Toby Brown, of South Eastern Council of Governments (SECOG), explained that this resolution was written to help generate housing development by giving new homeowners a rebate of the City’s portion of the property taxes for a period of five years.
“Elk Point adopted it and have had six lots sales with last two months,” said Brown.
He added that it was a good incentive for developers to work with home buyers and builders of multi-family units.
“I think this is a really good economic develop tool and it doesn’t cost the city money to do it,” said Saugstad.
He went on to say that already something similar was in place for business development.
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