Lennox Lion’s Club and Valley Exchange Bank are sponsoring a Lennox community outdoor Christmas decorating contest. Everyone in the community (city or country) is invited to participate. Prizes will be awarded in each of three categories: Religious (angels, stars, nativity, etc.); Musical (anything dealing with music) and Contemporary (Santa, cartoons, etc.)
First prize winners will be awarded $100 in Lennox Bucks; second place prizes will be $75 Lennox Bucks; and five honorable mention winners in each category will receive $5 Lennox Bucks each.
All participants must register by filling out a registration form (below), or copies of the form can be obtained from Valley Exchange Bank and Lennox Dental Clinic.
Please return the completed form to The Lennox Independent office at 116 S. Main, PO Box 76, Lennox; or e-mail to editor@lennoxnews.com by Dec. 12 at noon. Homes will be judged that evening, weather permitting.