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City Council approves 2015 budget

Lennox City Council took a final look at the 2016 budget on Monday night before approving it unanimously.

Finance Officer Jerry Jones highlighted a few projects that were budgeted for this coming year.

“It will hit us hard on our reserves to get these projects done this year,” he told the council.

Jones said that $82,500 is still in the budget for the Fire Department building project; $10,000 is budgeted for a bobcat and $20,000 for a sander and truck for the street department.

Originally, $25,000 was budgeted to fix the AC and the kitchen vent in the Senior Citizen Center, but after discussing the issue with DeCou Heating, Jones said that $10,000 should be enough to fix the problems at the center.

Jones added that the Historical Society wants to make the museum ADA accessible. Two thousand dollars was added to the $8,000 that was already budgeted for the museum.

The State’s reconstruction of Highway 17 will add over $500,000 to the budget as the City will complete projects there at the same time.

Stockwell Engineer Mitch Mergen said that the Highway 17 projects would involve storm sewer improvements, water main looping, a segment of sanitary sewer and replacement and improvements of crossings. Two water sleeves and pipes will also be installed.

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