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Robin Luther retires as head cheer coach

The Lennox School District is gearing up for a new school year, beginning with Registration Day that was to be held August 12th from 1-8 p.m. at the High School. At the Aug. 10 School Board meeting Superintendent Kirk Easton said, “I want to thank all the administrators and the administration assistants for getting everything ready for registration day. A lot of time and thought went into this and I think it will go well.”

The School Board meeting Monday night was held at the new earlier time of 6 p.m. in the conference room at Lennox Elementary, the room was formerly Mr. Purdy’s fifth grade room. The Board moved through the agenda swiftly. Under the Superintendent’s report he commented on the dates the new teachers were coming in for training. Easton said the entire staff and all teachers are officially welcomed back on Aug. 21 with their annual breakfast. He said teachers will come in late on Aug. 24 since they will all be staying late for the open houses at all schools that evening.

Easton also reported that some building and grounds items were left to get done before school, such as the sign at the Intermediate Building.

Under action items, the minutes, financial reports and claims were all approved as presented. Inter-district transportation requests were approved as presented from Canton and from Parker. These agreements are made every year between neighboring districts when an outside district is making a pick-up in the community.

The resignation/retirement of Robin Luther as Head Cheer Coach was accepted, as well as the resignation of Madeline Kroger as National Honor Society Advisor. Kroger stepped down as the National Honor Society Advisor so she could take on the Head Cheer Coach position.

The following contracts/work agreements were approved: Madeline Kroger as Head Cheer Coach, Julaine Stratmeyer as Assistant FFA Advisor, Stacie Payton as Custodian, James L. Koerner as Van Driver, Janice Daggett as Food Service, Melinda Franklin as Food Service, Quentin Brown as Food Service.

A change order on the seventh and eighth grade addition was approved as presented, for a total of $10,011.

A change in the school calendar was approved, Sept. 30 will be a no school day. It was originally scheduled as a half day in-service with a 1:30 dismissal. Easton explained there was an opportunity for safety training that the staff will take part in.

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