During Monday night’s School Board meeting Superintendent Kirk Easton invited Board members and community members to a retirement open house on Wednesday, May 20 at the Lennox High School Cafetorium from 4 to 6 p.m. The open house is held in honor of the following retirees: Tim Raabe, Kristi Wallin, Barb Schroder, Mary Stack, Lori Wollmann, Patricia Nelson, Gary Healy, Sandi Smith, Ann Brown, Joyce Olson and Barb Buse.
Easton also mentioned an end of the year event on May 22 for staff awards and naming Teacher of the Year, board members were invited to attend.
Easton said the District is currently interviewing for open positions in first and fourth grade, as well as an elementary admin assistant position. Chad Allison, who will be high school principal next year added he was interviewing candidates for an algebra /physical science teacher.
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