Update 3.13.2020
Titan Families,
As you know, the Governor has recommended closure for the week of March 16. We are closed including out-of-district programs and transportation. We will always comply with the Governor’s recommendations as she has information beyond our privy. At this time, we plan to reopen on March 23.
Authorized personnel are the only individuals allowed in our buildings. These individuals will receive health checks before beginning their work. The District Education Center will remain open with limits on visitors (7:30 am – 4:00 pm). Our phone number is 605-498-2700 x5 as it is important we serve our community. Administrators will continue answering emails, but will not be in their office. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us via the phone or email.
Here are a few logistical updates:
· Conferences will happen via email JK-8. · Report cards and eligibility reports are delayed (unknown date of completion). · 2020 9th –Grade Registration is canceled. Information to come from our high school principals on alternative method of delivery. · 2020 Kindergarten Screening is postponed (unknown date). · We are trying to update our District calendar online, but please understand no matter what the calendar says there is nothing allowed in our buildings. Please respect the needs of our greater community and maintain social distance.
The purpose of closing school is to allow people to be at home and slow the spread. Please do your part by staying away as much as possible from public places.
Sincerely, Dr. Jennifer Nebelsick Lowery Superintendent of Schools