On Monday night, Lennox High School held their 2021 Homecoming Coronation. Following a performance by the LHS cheerleaders, the LHS band, and hearing from coaches and players of all the fall sports, the time finally came to crown the 2021 King and Queen.
Last year’s King, Tyler Plank, the crown over the King candidates before placing it on Steven Christion’s head.
Following the King’s crowning, last year’s Queen, Mara Hinker, placed the crown over Gracen Juffer’s head.
Christion and Juffer will reign over Homecoming week festivities.
Other Queen candidates included Eve Bunkers, Ella Wrage, Ellen Boomgarden, and Alicia Ruud. King candidates included Jackson Arlt, Jacob Stubbe, Carter Van Houten, and Dalton Plucker.
Emcees for the night were Jesse Cech and Katheryn Loewe.
The Homecoming Parade will be held Friday, September 25, starting at 1:30 p.m., and the Varsity Football game against Vermillion at home starting at 7:00 p.m. A tailgate meal will be served beginning at 5:30 p.m. This is a fundraiser for the LHS band.
The parade route is pictured at right. Parade entries can line up on Park Drive beginning at 12:30 p.m. The Homecoming Parade will begin Friday, Sept. 24 at 1:30 p.m. The route will head North on Main to 1st Ave. East on 1st Ave. to Cherry. South on Cherry to 6th Ave. East on 6th Ave. to exit. Elementary students will go West on 6th Ave. to return to school for parent pick-up.
More photos on page 2