Twelve second graders, 11 from Lennox and one from Tea, gather every two weeks at the Lennox Community Library to make crafts, learn new things and work on leadership skills through Girl Scouts.
Troop 50130 leaders Kadie Lund and Susan Anacker were excited for their girls to join Girl Scouts to meet new people since both families had moved to Lennox about a year and a half ago. Lund’s daughter, Madelyn, was excited for the social aspect.
“They hear Girl Scouts and think it’s something fun,” Kadie said.
Anacker’s daughter, Lauren, did not know what Girl Scouts was to begin with but she encouraged her to give it a try.
“What a great way to learn about our community that we just moved into and for me, to get to know some adults. We are both meeting new people at the same time,” Susan said.
Madelyn, 7, has been in Girl Scouts for three years and was a Daisy during kindergarten and first grade. Once girls reach second grade, they move up to Brownie and remain as Brownies through third grade.
Kadie said girls can continue to advance in the Girl Scouts rank as they get older by going from Brownie to Juniors, Cadets, Seniors and Ambassadors and earning different merit badges along the way.
This year the girls in Troop 50130 have been working toward earning their painting badge. Madelyn said her favorite part of Girl Scouts has been doing art projects and getting new badges. She also said they have been helping people by visiting Good Samaritan with flowers and Valentines.
Morgan DeHaan, 8, is in her first year as a Girl Scout. She likes it so far and has learned a lot.
“(I learned) that you have to serve God, our country and our people,” DeHaan said.
Karissa Iken, 8, is also a first-year Girl Scout. She has enjoyed doing fun activities, like going on field trips, making crafts and playing games.
Lauren, 8, is in her second year of Girl Scouts. She likes earning badges, learning new things and playing with her friends.
While Kadie was a Girl Scout in Nebraska, she and Susan are learning the troop leader role together.
“This is our first year of being co-leaders together. It’s working wonderfully,” Susan said.
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