The Lennox Commercial Club held their monthly meeting April 2, 2018 at the Lenkota Country Club and one of the big items on the agenda was to elect officers. This year’s Commercial Club president will be Todd Anderson, President elect will be Eric Machmuller, new three year term board member will be Todd Shuman who joins Cameron Kramer (two years remaining) and Chris Berg (one year remaining), and Brenda Sinning as Secretary/Treasurer, along with Mitch Jensen, who will serve as past president.
Also discussed was the recent participation in the Easter Egg Parade promotion, Boni White reported over 70 completed forms were turned in. The prize winners were announced in last week’s newspaper; they included: six years and under, Liliana Sanchez; seven to nine years, Gage Rasmussen; and 10-12 years, Kyra Cleveland.
The Annual Old Fashioned Fourth of July planning is also underway. It was announced that the Lennox Street Dance on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 will feature the Johnny Holm Band. Johnny Holm is known as a fan favorite and is well-known for creating a good time. The band’s interactive performance runs the gamut from top pop songs to the golden belt-out-at-the-top-of-your-lungs classics. The Sixth Annual Street Dance will run at the north end of Main Street from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets will be available soon at Lennox businesses.
July 3rd will also be Cruise Night in downtown Lennox, watch the newspaper for details on the event.
The Old Fashioned Fourth will also include a full line-up of events on Wednesday, July 4th. The parade will likely go back to the old parade route, one item to note is that there will be no parking on the parade route on the new portion of Main Street (from Highway 44 to Fourth Ave.). For out of town guests, parking is available at the old football field (driveway open off of highway 44), and parking is also available at the Pool/Intermediate School Parking Lot.
Other events will include the Road Race, Breakfast, Kiddy Tractor Pull, Car Show, Live Music and Arts in the Park. Vendors can sign up now. Anyone interested in acquiring a booth for the 4th of July, please contact Eric Machmuller 605-521-3722 or 605-647-5053. Vendor forms are also be available at www.lennoxnews.com, under calendar, then 4th of July events.
The Old Fashioned Fourth is truly a community event and thanks to the efforts of active Commercial Club members continues to grow each year. Watch this newspaper for details as the date approaches.