The Lennox Memorial Day service was held May 29th with about 100 people in attendance. The service was under the direction of Brethorst-Burma Post No. 174 of the American Legion.
Rev. Dr. Harlan Hayunga of Second Reformed Church in Lennox provided the sermon for the service and spoke of a neighbor he knew that had died in the Vietnam War.
“He was one person who for me put a face to it. One person who was loved and who loved, who went and served and died so that we could be here tonight. Who for me put a singularity and a particularity to the horrors and carnage of war. That’s what we do on Memorial Day, we look back on Memorial Day with gratitude,” he said.
Memorial Day
The Lennox Municipal Band, under the direction of Byron Youngquist, provided the music for the Memorial Day service.
The presentation of student academic and citizenship awards was made by Post Commander John Kirchner. Students receiveing awards were: Citizenship - Leslie Fillipi and Cooper Benning, sophomores; Emma Smidt and Starr Halland& Matthew Kruse, eighth grade Scholarship - Emily Buse and Nathan Waltjer, sophomores; Madeline Loewe and Parker Sandal, freshmen; Jordan Christensen and Tyler Plank, eighth grade.
Local Legion Post members also honored their fallen comrades on Memorial Day with the Avenue of Flags at the cemetery, pictured on front.