Phillip Fett has resigned from the Lennox City Council. Fett said it was for two reasons; one, that the council has moved to having two meetings a month and with his occupation as a truck driver scheduling was difficult; and the second, the recent move to iPad and electronic correspondence.
Fett said he felt bad, but that if he couldn’t attend the meetings and couldn’t do electronics, then it wouldn’t be good for the citizens.
He did say at the Jan. 9th meeting, before the iPads were received, “this will be my last meeting.”
Fett said that the verbal resignation wasn’t enough and he was required to submit the resignation in writing, which the council read at the Feb. 13th meeting. No more was discussed at the meeting regarding the open council seat.
Also at the council meeting there was a Public Hearing for Ordinance #574 Rezone from General Business to Light Industrial-Storage Holdings L.L.C. This is the first reading to rezone a parcel, the property is located to the east of the Bird’s Nest Daycare, the property owner would like to add more storage units.
Under reports Jeremy Gulbranson, the Water and Sewer Superintendent, explained to the council a bacterial issue at the waste water treatment plant; he said it was resolved and all parties were happy with the test results. He also said that the new auger screen would be arriving on Feb. 21. Another issue was discussed with basin two, and Gulbranson said a plan was in the works to address the problem.
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