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Local scouting program continues to thrive

The local scouting program is alive and well in Lennox. According to Cub Master John Boysen, there are 40 registered members in Cub Scouts. The Lennox Cub Scouts Pack 109 is divided into Dens. Consisting of the newly formed kindergarten den the Lions, the first grade Tigers, the second grade Wolves, the third grade Bears and the fourth and fifth grade Webelos.

After the boys make their way through Cub Scouts they continue on to Boy Scouts, Boysen explained and then they have troops.

The organization of Scouts is something that Boysen has familiarized himself with since first getting involved in when his oldest son, Robby was in Scouts in Sioux Falls. Boysen and his wife Dori have three sons, Robby, Joey and Zachary. The family moved to Lennox in 2012.

Boysen said, “When we moved to Lennox, about that time Joey wanted to join Scouts, he’s been in it since first grade and he’s in fourth now.”

Boysen recalls when he first was involved as a parent and his son just starting, it was easy to feel lost. He said, “The majority of the program needs to be done at a family level, you don’t know where to start. It’s not that hard but can seem overwhelming.”

That is something Boysen hopes to improve on. Boysen is in his second year as Cub Master.

He said, “It’s really an administrative position.”

Communication between Cub Master, Den Leaders and parents is key. Boysen is constantly fielding questions and emails, and sharing opportunities for kids to take part in through Scouting.

Boysen credits the active parent volunteers for making the program successful. Last year the program had 24 members, this year they have 40.

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