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School District Superintendent candidate interviews to begin

Following executive session on Monday night, Lennox School Board members set a special board meeting to interview superintendent candidates for Tuesday, March 22. The interviews, which will involve teams of faculty/staff, parents/community and administrators, will begin at 4 p.m. The finalists for the Superintendent’s position include:

• Jim Altenburg, Superintendent – De Smet School District;

• Chad Conaway, Superintendent – Centerville School District;

• Brian Jandahl, Superintendent – Elkton School District;

• Chris Long, Principal – Garretson School District; and

• Dan Martin, Superintendent – Stanley County School District

The School Board plans to select the next Superintendent by March 23rd and it is expected that a contract would be approved at the April School Board meeting.

During the regular meeting Monday night following approval of the agenda, Superintendent Easton gave his report:

• The building committee received findings from the energy audit. It was determined that the expense to update the HVAC system would cost more than it would save. The district could perhaps benefit from electrical and lighting upgrades. Before going into an energy savings contract, Easton has asked for

firm numbers on each building that would include all fees. He hopes to have those figures by the April meeting.

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