Contributing in a meaningful way to the safety of our community is a top priority for the fifth grade students in the Lennox School District. These students have developed and implemented a new crossing guard program at the Lennox Elementary and LWC Intermediate school buildings. January 11th was the first day they were outside, but the project began months ago.
Fifth grade teachers, Blake Crosby, Andrea Irish, Cody Lutes, and Patrick Purdy spent time in July discussing what type of projects they would like to incorporate in the new Project Based Learning (PBL). This teaching method allows students to work for an extended amount of time on one challenge — incorporating that problem or idea in all subject areas of their schooling. They were looking for a project that could involve the community and students.
Purdy said, “We see so many other places with a cross walk patrol, and you are more aware and you pay attention when you see those kids at the intersections.”
The students in Mr. Purdy’s classroom echoed that sentiment.
Layne Kuper said, “Drivers are more cautious about the kids. They see the orange vest and stop sign and slow down.”
Austin Richter said they began to work on the project in September. He said, “We had to plan out what we needed and how to get the money. We had to practice and learn the rules. We thought the kids would feel safer if they had supervision watching them cross the street.”
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