Ghosts and goblins came out in droves to the Lennox Commercial Club’s Trunk or Treat on Halloween night! Over 700 kids enjoyed treats from local organizations and businesses.
Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday events for the Commercial Club. Coming up next will be the annual turkey give-away. Watch the Nov. 12 issue of The Lennox Independent for coupons from participating businesses. Fill them out and drop them off at the businesses for your chance to win a holiday turkey!
Christmas season will begin with the arrival of Santa Claus on Dec. 7. Santa Night will feature beautiful Christmas decorations made by the students and Christmas trees decorated by local businesses and organizations. The Commercial Club will once again provide a pork loin sandwich supper with chips and a bar or cookie while you are waiting to see Santa. New this year, a few craft vendors will also be on hand for those wanting to do a little shopping. And, of course, the highlight of the event will be Santa himself, ready to hear all the Christmas wishes. Each child will be given a sack of goodies and a coloring book.
Mark your calendars now and watch upcoming issues for more details on the holiday events. To stay up to date on all of the community events, become a subscriber today!