Last Thursday evening, the Lennox community was invited to attend a Westerman Park and Pool Design Charette. This event, held at the Lennox Senior Center, gave people a chance to have input into the park and pool designs.
David Locke, a Landscape Architect from Stockwell Engineers, hosted the meeting. Stockwell Engineers has been hired by the City of Lennox to put together a Master Park Plan. Locke said that they analyze what is available and get input from the citizens before putting a preliminary design together. After reviewing the preliminary design, a Master Plan is put together.
He explained that a Park Master Plan enables the City to apply for grants and to plan for improvements in phases. Usually it takes many years to put the Master Plan into place in its entirety. Locke added that he was aware that the community’s focus is on improving or replacing the swimming pool. A Master Plan would help answer where it should be built if replaced.
There was a mixture of young and old at the meeting. Among those present was Darrell Westerman, whose grandfather donated the land for the original Westerman Park.
Read the complete story in this week’s Lennox Independent, login here!